P.E.W. (Perfecting Excellent Worship) Ministry (Music, Ushers, Nurses, Hospitality & Media) –This ministry is extremely important to the growth of our church. This ministry is obviously one of the most visible parts of our family. Members of this ministry are responsible for making sure our worship experiences are powerful, Spirit- led, organized, appealing, decent and in order. (See also AV and Sanctuary Servants Ministries)
Individual ministries within the P.E.W. Ministry: Music Ministry,*LIFE Praise Team, *Perfecting Worship Team (evaluation/implementation group), *Sanctuary Servants Ministry (ushers, nurses and greeters), *Media Team (sound production, taping [video/audio], worship monitors], *Fine Arts Ministry (Drama and Praise Dancing)
This ministry is led by Pastor Chris Spivey. The Praise Team is lead by First Lady Kayla Freeman. The Sanctuary Servants are led by Sister Cheryl Hill and Sister Kim Wilson. The Fine Arts Ministry is lead by Sister Candace Akers.