MY FAMILY: I have been married to my own hand-crafted gift, DeChard Freeman, for eight years (11/12/04) and we have three talented, gifted and brilliant little princes (Micah, Caleb & Josiah)!
I was born and raised on the south side of Houston, Texas! I got to Austin strictly by God's divine plan. I had received a full 4-year music scholarship to Benedict College in Columbia, SC and just days before it was time to leave we found out it had been revoked! Through Austin connections in Houston I ended up at Huston-Tillotson College ( University) and the rest is still being lived out......
EDUCATION: I graduated from Ross Shaw Sterling Senior High School in 2000.
Received my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a minor in Vocal Performance in May of 2006
1 - BOOKS-Coldest Winter Ever, Prodigal Husband, One with the Shepherd
2 - FOOD- Seafood, Italian
3 - MUSIC- Jazz, Classical, Gospel, R&B,
4 - PLACES- San Diego, Ft. Lauderdale
5 - MOVIES-Love Jones, The Wiz, Why Did I Get Married,
6 - TV SHOWS- Person of Interest, Scandal, A Different World, Cosby Show, Grey's Anatomy, Law & Order SVU
HEROES: DeChard Freeman: his faith walk and trust in Gd are amazing!
Melanie Mitchell: her perseverance is inspiring
Ashlee Ardoin: she never allows anyone or anything stop her
Michelle Obama: her poise, dignity and eloquent speech empowers me to be better
WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT ALC? God has given us wonderful people! It is an honor to serve them!